Thursday, February 3, 2011

I need....

Oh I need.
I need some Peanut butter fudge! Not the new fangled, so sweet you just can't stand it, taste more like butterscotch kind. No, I want the oh, so silky smooth, slightly salty kind that melts in your hands and kinda makes you drool a little type. :-D The type around here you get on the docks. Mad beach has a great little fudge shop oh, and the Sponge Docks theres a quaint little sideways shop there that doesn't disappoint. I think they start out with Dulce de leche rather than straight condensed milk. Yup. I gots me a hankerin' Just not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that there isn't a darn thing I can do about it right now!

And speaking of  'i need' I have that spot down at the bottom of things I'm always looking for and this gal over at The Trailer Park Queen contacted me and said she would send me over seeds for one of the things in my list. The Seminole Squash! WHOOT! She really needs to start blogging more because if you check out her flickr pics you'll notice she's really coming along with the garden and getting some great shots, too! I think you'll find her Florida lifestyle, the food she cooks, her innate talent (she paints!) interesting and enjoyable. Besides. She seeding me seeds, y'all. That's awesome!  :-D Roxanne, Thank you, and I'm serious. You need to blog more. You need to introduce the world to Feisty and his antics. ;-) Oh, and I want to see some of you paintings.

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