Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bento Tuesday 9.6.11

I realized that I don't know if I'll have enough material to do this as a weekly post so I'll have to see how it plays out. Maybe it will be bi-weekly instead. But, since I had announced my intentions to try to post it weekly I thought I'd at least try to get the first three weeks in a row. :-)
This weeks bentos featured:
Turkey and cheese, and lettuce with a pickle side (deconstructed sandwich) and goldfish
 carrots with critters on the top.

This bento featured a star ham and lettuce with grapes, carrots and my personal favorite nutter butter sandwiches. :-)

Now, part of the problem with this Bento Tuesday is that I simply forgot to take pictures. The other part is that I have a camera and a cell phone that I take pictures with and sometimes neither of these are convenient.
This of course is somewhat ironic being that I also try to keep track of my harvest and have a hard time doing that. You'd think I was unorganized... You'd be wrong. I simply have three children and no brain cells. I'll take the camera upstairs to take pictures of the garden from aerial view and forget to bring it down, and when I make the kids lunches it is almost always after they are tucked safely away at night. This means I've already been upstairs and chances are my phones is also tucked away snoozing with it's belly getting full of juices at my bedside table. If I don't tuck it in when I tuck my children in I may very well forget to plug it in and then of course everything thereafter gets thrown off. So it is much the opposite. A case of extreme organization. A rule that is not thrown out the window for the sake of having a picture for the blog.
Another reason for not having the post as often is that I only have 2 bento containers. I'm not into boring you all to pieces with the same look over and over again. Don't get me wrong. I'm not giving this up! I'm doing this to try to keep it fresh for me and for the kids. To remind myself that I have to keep trying and that the diversity is the fun!

'Till next time!

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