Renovations continue and, par for the course things are breaking along the way and making progress difficult. Last night the freezer,The night before a drill, 2 days ago the dryer that we FINALLY got over from my parents. I thought I was officially free of the laundromat but possibly not. Oh, did I mention we had another roof leak? *Rolling eyes* Fell like I'm trapped inside the movie "money pit"
However things are starting to come together. Slowly still, but it IS happening.

Shopping for a dining room rug, and the kitchen completion. What a difference the new floor makes and just a few simple touches.
The laundry room before hot yellow and lavender... to a muted teal.

Along with the muted teal this bead board/wainscoting I run the bottom 4' of the wall. This project is incomplete as well. I need the cap board and put up some hooks and a few places for brooms and the like.
Progress on one of the 2 planters on the pool deck. Dang it was nice to start and finish at least one of our projects that we were working on. We also made a nice small planter of succulents as well.

SO much more is still in the works. The new front door, the girls vanity and sinks, and the new freezer should all be finished by the end of the weekend. Things are looking up. We are keeping our chin up and looking forward to completing a few of the things that have been in the works for so many weeks now.
Moving forward, keeping on.