Monday, April 21, 2014

Harvest Monday 4.22.14

I also pulled the rest of the cabbage for our use. There are 3 more heads out there but I am growing those out for the hens. They love it and I am sick of it. Lol.

That's it. Back to enjoy the last day here.

See you soon!
BarbieIt's the day after Easter and all is quiet here. This is my last day off before I return to work full time tomorrow. That stinks. I still have been unable to accomplish what I wanted, no needed to get done both inside the house and in the gardens.

But that being said my healing was more important and I am so greatful I was able to stay home as long as I did. I've missed the opportunity to work in the yard and I can't wait until I am strong enough to get back to digging and planting like before. Meanwhile I go out for 10 or 15 minutes at a time time twice a day and so my harvests as well as a couple smaller chores. Slowly but surely things are coming back around. The main garden is 1/3 planted and the other 2/3 is ready now to be planted. This was a major accomplishment in and of itself. The raises beds are easier to work with and were reseeded over the last 2 weeks.

It's so nice to look forward to going out again and not be in such upheaval now.

Each day I am bringing in about a quarter pound of blueberries. Only half the plants produces for me because I cut the others back as suggested for the second year in a row. Those plants should produce more prolifically next year for it and i sure hope so because I have a berry obsession. :-)

I am also bringing a half pound of peas each week Along with a few other odds and ends. My sweet potato patch from last year is completely gone now and the new slips are starting to go in.


  1. Wonderful harvest! I'm so jealous of the blueberries...I have 6 bushes that struggle just to put out leaves! I'm moving them to another spot today...they are sad little things.

  2. Try adding your coffee grounds around their bases and use a pine or oak leaf mulch. They really prefer an acidic soil and those things help. I'm replanting (& potting some) the 6 that I cut back. They are in too much shade right now.

  3. I wish we could grow blueberries as well as you! They give us such a hard time.
