These are the Lakota squash from 3 weeks ago. I had 6 set on the vine...
I take that back. Apparently I had five! My guess is that the sixth squash either showed signs of not taking or had already begun to wither and abort when I took the first set of pictures.
These initial pictures were taken somewhere around May 13th - 18th.
The second set of pictures were taken June 3rd. So just shy of 3 weeks later....
Unfortunately most of the fruit has aborted, but the 2 remaining fruit are both already larger than 'maturity size' that is listed at 5lbs max size on the label for this variety. Of course i've done research since they have set and found that most people say they reach larger proportions that use good gardening techniques. The smaller size is generally a 3 sisters planting in an undressed field. Poor little squashes. Nobody loves them.
Anywho.... here are the 2 remaining squash as of last week....
Now the trick will be to outsmart the pickleworm (and other assorted blasted creepy crawlies) until I can bring these beauties in!
Any helpful hints, anyone? My goal is for these to be for my fall decorations. They are the perfect size - just like bowling balls and the orange has really come through now with the yellow fading back. I'm so excited - it's like... like.... the GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN!
Seriously. I've grown pumpkins before. Grew them last year. We made pies and cakes and breads from them, but these... these are cool. They are different and even though they may not be as good of eating as my Jarrahdales of past. The kids are really getting a kick out of them and I love that they are unique for my fall display. I believe they are a medium hardshell squash like a butternut or acorn so I have hope that they will store well into fall. After all I should be posting next week about using my last fall pumpkin from last year. :-D Just in time to make room for these in a few more weeks.
OKAY- so I am completely willing to go NON organic to keep these pumpkin/squash beautiful and wormie/hole/pest free. Give it to me. What is the best defense? All around I mean? Protect the plant and the fruit as well. I mean, we won't be eating the skin so I don't feel too bad using a pesticide - plus it will be four months and at least 3 of those months will be spent sitting inside pestiside free. :-D After being washed outside with a bleach solution of course.
Stay tuned for a bloom post. Coming soon!
'Till next time!
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