Monday, April 18, 2011

Harvest Monday 4.18.11

Well, here we are again, it's Harvest Monday! Joining into Daphne's but  for the fun, I am not in my usual place due to unforeseen circumstances so I can't show you all the pictures I had hoped to, but I can show you one from this week that I happen to have on a card in my purse today. Lucky you! ;-)

This weeks harvests included 1pound 2ounces of broccoli, 6oz zucchini, 3oz of garden peas and 10oz of green beans, 3oz mulberries, 8oz strawberries, 8oz blueberries oh and salad greens - 1lb 4oz of lettuces. Not including of course anything eaten on the fly or grilled and eaten prior to weighing. Hey, it happens. Especially this week.
Things this week have been to say at the very least, interesting.
Oh, and I also 'harvested' seeds! From my mailbox! I like those kind the best. These came over from Garden G'imp I have some research to do -she sent a few things I'm not familiar with (the BEST kinds of things to get in my opinion) and I can't wait to find out more!
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow or Wednesday to fill you in on my oh so interesting week.

'Till next time!



  1. Great, wonderful, and delicious harvest! Can't wait to hear what you've been up to!

  2.! I don't how it can stand all this heat. Great harvest!

  3. Very beautiful harvest Barbie. I just can't wait until we have more veggies ready for harvesting up here!

  4. Lots of good eating in your garden this week. Jealous of the fresh blueberries in particularly.

  5. You always have berries to harvest:). Nice harvest.

  6. Very respectable harvest and love the berries. My kids will be so happy when we finally hit that time of year.

  7. That broccoli looks just delicious. I hope the week hasn't been too interesting.
