Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday!

Ah, Black Friday. The rush - the thrill of the hunt.

Wanna know what I found?

SEEDS! Wonderful seeds for 10 CENTS a pack! I'm shocked that I was able to refrain from buying every seed pack there, but the things I don't eat I couldn't see buying. Too bad there wasn't more to be had in the first place but SO not complaining. I'm celebrating this find! I also got a 3 cup measuring bowl for a buck. LOL Ah, the things that set my heart a pitter patter. :-D


  1. Boy, that was a great no shipping costs!!

  2. Way to go! Doesn't that make you feel good when you hit a find like that! I'm always keeping an eye out for good deals, but as you say, for things you need, not just because it's a good deal.
